Troff to xml tools
There’s a lot of ways to convert troff document to xml, but, unfortunately, no standart way to do it. Thanks to the ux macro, utmac uses nroff itself for that task. That solution has the advantage to be easy to implement, and to be troff compliant, since one can use all the troff commands he wants in his document. But to do that well, a pre-processor (prexml) and a post-processor (postxml) are needed, so that the command line is as follow:
prexml f.tr | nroff −Tutf8 −mux | postxml > f.xml
The xml file produced this way follows a custom xml format, and some stylesheets convert this custom format to and from html and fodt.
xsltproc utohtml.xsl f.xml > f.html xsltproc utofodt.xsl f.xml > f.fodt
- utohtml.xsl: From utmac to html.
- utofodt.xsl: From utmac to flat open document text, which is readable by libreoffice and openoffice.
Documentation and download
See the following files: troffxml, license.
Browse the git repository.